Shield Technologies has developed a Windows version of the Shield Basic application. It currently supports Windows XP and Windows 7 and is customizable. If a police service or agency is interested in further details and pricing email [email protected].

Windows Screenshots:(click to enlarge)

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Currently being used by several police services!

Key features included in Shield Basic:

  • Short form wordings, definitions, fines and demerit points for offences
  • Browsing by categories.
  • Quick and accurate searches will populate results by category.
  • Speeding , Seat Belt, Licencing and other useful Charts.
  • Capability to add Law Enforcement specific contacts.
  • Capability to add your own by-laws.
  • Charter Rights/Caution and Legal Demands.
  • Incident Guidelines. "How To"
  • Automatic updates
  • Shield Basic does not require internet access to function.
  • Capability to add notes.
  • A favourites section allows users to access their favourites charges, guidelines and charts.
  • Capability to add emails into contacts.

Legislation and material included within Shield Basic - Ontario:

  • Highway Traffic Act
  • Criminal Code of Canada
  • Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
  • Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act
  • Liquor Licence Act
  • Trespass To Property Act
  • Youth Criminal Justice Act
  • Off-Road Vehicles Act
  • Motorized Snow Vehicles Act
  • Safe Streets Act
  • Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
  • Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
  • Smoke-Free Ontario Act
  • Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • HTA Definitions
  • Public Lands Act
  • Ontario Fishery Regulations
  • Migratory Birds Convention Act
  • Government Property Traffic Act
  • Forest Fires Prevention Act
  • Many Ontario Regulations for the above Acts.

© 2011-2015 Shield Technologies.